Corey Vaughn just completed a full pass at 10.25m, on a water ski, in a tournament. He’s the 9th person in the World ever to have done that. Its a very Elite group…6 of those 9 skiers have been World Record or Co-World Record holders at some point. I first… Read More

Guns or Butter: Are Guns Paleo? If you are expecting water ski talk, or anything uplifting, cool or short and easy to read….stop immediately. Kinda hard to be cheeky and cheery after shit like yesterday. So I’ll just try to be real…and talk about humans for a second. Butter doesn’t… Read More
THE REAL WAR…. By Ken Kesey….the last thing he ever wrote I could have written this better on 9-11-’01, the day it was happening– if I could have written. Everything was so clear that day, so unencumbered by theories and opinions, by thought, even. It just was. All just newborn… Read More