Two more things I wanna mention: 1) FlowPointTV dropped! The trailer is out, and if you haven't seen it and/or shared it with EVERYONE you know.....Click PLAY below, then share and spread the love. Thx! 2) Last week when I paid respect in Evolution of a Sport, I completely and accidentally omitted some key people within water skiing that are doing kick ass things with film. So, I owe them some credit.
1) FlowPoint TV is now a thing. It's my new project, in conjunction with HO Sports and some others. You can find the trailer here at MarcusBrown.TV or head on over to FlowPointTV.com to get acquainted with the future of things around here. Its also on Vimeo as well....so head on over to the FlowPointTV Vimeo Channel and subscribe....and share with everyone you know!!
2) Media you should check out!:
-Adam Sedlmajer (Sledgehammer): He's a World Overall Champion, European Overall Champion and Moomba Masters Overall Champion, and as good as he is on the water, he's doing really cool stuff off the water at the moment. What you should do is head over to his website now, and in the slight chance you cannot find his video section, here is a link to his YouTUBE Channel. Take a peek!
- Travis Fisher: This kid is a South African ripper who is looking really good on his bright A3....and does some cool camera work and editing. Wish I had my $hit together when I was his age! Here's his latest edit: Summer 2014 Worth a look...can't wait to see what he does next! Check his YouTUBE channel here!
- Russell Wilkinson: Russell is an avid and passionate skier out of the Pacific NorthWest. Had a chance to coach Russell a few years back,....great guy, doing cool things with his aerial edits. Please check out his Vimeo Channel for some really clean edits of some of the most beautiful ski lakes the PacNW has to offer.
- CreakyRowBoat: Although this is not one single individual (or maybe it is.... :/ ) and although they aren't doing strictly films/videos.....and actually, I don't think any video they've ever posted has been an original video by CRB.....they ARE still worth mentioning. Why? Lets see.....because they post really awesome stuff, they are the most underrated and funny site out there, and because they have maintained a consistency that is just simply unheard of in the 21st century era of Insta/SnapChat/Twittagra. They are like Miley Cyrus....usually on schedule, and always predictably unpredictable. Besides...1 of the dudes (or chics) on their creative team is named Old Dirty Bass Fisherman... I want a nickname that sounds as cool as ODBF. I want that...
- Many others out there doing their part to spread the love and get us stoked on summer....hard to mention everyone.
"Hey you,....yeah you....with the GoPro,....you're doing some cool $hit. Keep that up."