Gonna kick off a sub-series of blog posts, with no consistent timing nor reason amongst the lot of them: “Living The Dream”. Just a series of posts, aiming to do nothing more than shed some light on the life, existence and purpose of a pro water skier. My goal… Read More
Exactly 1551 years ago, a British born bishop, who triumphed over persecution to bring Christianity to Ireland, died. Today we call it St. Patrick’s Day…..or St. Pattys for short, cuz we’re lazy…or drunk…or both. Even though it’s a Saturday, I get the feeling a lot of people out there may… Read More
Sorry for back to back posts…but this old ridiculous piece of cinematography just popped up on my radar and reminded me of how easy it is to get stuck in a rut with everyday life and forget just how lucky we are to be able to do what we love.… Read More
Jack Johnson, Andy Samberg & G.Love in one place. Just stumbled across this video and thought someone else might get a laugh. Happy “late” leap day (or year)…